Hello all, sorry for the late post. I am recovering from having several accounts hacked including: Facebook, linked in, and even my email account....
Posted by Barbara Nalley | 0 comments
Management Monday Hello colleagues we are officially on count down for Expo! So have a few questions for you: Are you going? Do you have staff...
Posted by Barbara Nalley | 7 comments
Hello Leaders. Some of you mentioned your interest in AI and new technology in the OR. There is a Leader Exchange Tuesday about new technology in...
Posted by Leigh Anne Bartlett
All I must apologize for my tardiness. How many of you have been so busy with work efforts that time gets away from you and you realize you are...
Posted by Kenneth Worley | 0 comments
Hello everyone. Just a reminder of our meeting tomorrow night. The Candidates have been invited to attend for a meet and greet. Sadly, I will not...
Posted by Leigh Anne Bartlett
The Capital NC AORN Chapter would like to invite you to their conference. I attended it last year and it was great! I plan to attend this year as...
Posted by Leigh Anne Bartlett | 0 comments
Hello everyone. First, I would like to apologize for the confusion regarding the time of the event. I am still trying to get the hang of this new...
Posted by Leigh Anne Bartlett
Register now for the Meet the Candidates Live Town Hall. Hear from the candidates for the Board of Directors and the Nominating Committee,...
Posted by Association of periOperative Registered Nurses in AORN HQ Announcements
Hi there... I hope everyone had a great long weekend. I atttended the TCORN conference in Dallas and it was a great conference. I am reaching out...
Posted by Leigh Anne Bartlett | 2 comments
Hello everyone! We are super excited to have access to this new platform. It appears to be very intuitive. Please be patient as we learn how to...
Posted by Leigh Anne Bartlett | 15 comments